
Who doesn’t go online to check reviews? You can check on everything from hotels, resorts, airlines and restaurants to software and even people. Yes, there is actually an app available to review people. We have come to rely heavily on these online reviews not only to rate whether a product or place is to our taste but also to authenticate these places and products. We need to authenticate everything now. Mistrust is the core of our being. Nothing is what it says it is and nothing is real until you can authenticate it. It is just too easy to get swindled.


Before choosing a product, I always do my research. Patients will immediately do the same with their dental professional. Not only do they want to certify the dental professional’s credentials, but they also want to see what other patients think. We all do it. Bruce Wiseman, author of the article “The New Force in Dental Marketing” says “Healthcare professionals– dentists in particular– are screened on a growing number of online rating sites.” And Yelp is the biggest and most utilized. In fact, it and Google plus are trusted the most. To understand the impression of these review sites on potential patients, take a look at this number: a total of 142 million people visit Yelp on a monthly basis. 142 million! This is pretty convincing evidence that the impact of online reviews is staggering.  


The fact is that 92 percent of internet users read product reviews and 89 percent of people say that online reviews influence their purchasing decisions. This infographic designed by too illustrates the importance and effect of online reviews:

Positive reviews on popular online review sites guarantee you an increase in revenue and a promise that you will gain new patients. Keep in mind that “patients likely will only check you out if your reviews have an average of at least 4 out of 5 stars.” Just one negative review can damage your reputation and possibly lose you patients. So, how can you utilize this information to benefit your dental practice? First things first: research. Go onto Yelp and Google plus and any other online review sites and figure out how they work and how they will affect you and your practice. Next thing to do is develop reputational management. Whether it is you or someone professional, it is imperative to have someone check on those online reviews and make sure to respond to negative reviews positively and appropriately.


Always keep track of all online reviews to stay one step ahead. “A good online reputation is important for more than just visibility. Most patients surveyed use online reviews as a determining factor for choosing a new doctor.”


Negative Reviews Management is just as important as any other management as the negative reviews have the biggest impact. How do you react to these reviews? How can you turn these reviews around so that they help rather than hinder your practice? Here are a few suggestions:

  • Never ignore a negative review
  • Thank the reviewer
  • Think of negative reviews as constructive criticism and learn from them
  • Protect patient confidentiality
  • Describe the changes and improvements you will be making to fix the situation
  • Respond promptly but not emotionally
  • Be authentic and admit your mistakes
  • Correct inaccuracies
  • Highlight your strengths
  • Write like a person not a company
  • Ask loyal and satisfied patients to share their experiences


In an era where computers have become the cornerstone of our working and personal lives, we are forced to take a good hard look at where we stand in the online community. If you’re not there, get there, because it really is time to get to know Yelp, Google plus, and other review sites. Please follow the links below for more information and suggestions.




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